Our Mini Goldendoodle, Bailey, was born September 11, 2006. Her Mother was a F1 Mini Goldendoodle and her Father was a Miniature Poodle. This makes Bailey an F1B Mini Goldendoodle.
The following images will give you an idea of the age progression of a Mini Goldendoodle, from birth to senior. At the time of this writing, Bailey is now 15 years old and we have taken an enormous amount of pictures of her over the years.
We’ve been very fortunate that she has been very healthy for most of her life. She’s still going strong at 15 years old and although she has slowed down a bit, she is mostly happy and healthy.
2006 – Newborn
7 Weeks Old
We brought our Mini Goldendoodle home when she was 7 weeks old. She weighed 2.5 lbs.
The day we brought her home at 7 weeks old
10 Weeks Old
Look at that face! You could already tell she was going to be a rascal and she hasn’t disappointed.
14 Weeks Old
6 Months Old
1 Year Old
3 Years Old
5 Years Old
6 Years Old
7 Years Old
8 Years Old
9 Years Old
10 Years Old
11 Years Old
12 Years Old
13 Years Old
Bailey currently weighs around 18 pounds and has maintained this weight for most of her adult life. She fluctuates from 16 – 18 pounds depending on the season and the amount of exercise she is getting.
14 Years Old
At 14 years old, our mini Goldendoodle still has the energy of a puppy. She runs, plays, chases birds, rabbits and anything else that moves. She still acts as silly as ever. She still gets the zoomies, goes on regular walks and is living a happy and healthy life. Other than a little bit of incontinence and some cloudiness in the eyes, aging has been good to her.
15 Years Old
We are so fortunate to have shared 15 years of life with our Mini Goldendoodle (so far). Every birthday that passes, we realize just how lucky we are to have her around! She is starting to show her age at this point and we are doing everything we can to make this journey last as long as possible. While she does have a few issues, she is still mostly healthy.
Her main issue is kidney disease. She is currently in upper stage 2 and we are doing everything we can to slow the progression. She also has some other issues associated with aging including arthritis, cloudy eyes, and slight hearing loss. She doesn’t walk as fast as she used to, doesn’t play with her toys as much, and is a little pickier with her food. However, she still has lots of playful energy and still loves playing hide and seek with us in the house. She goes up and down the stairs as well as she always has and she still loves to chase rabbits and birds around the backyard, sometimes in an all-out sprint!
We love taking in these moments when she has a burst of energy and plays in ways that are reminiscent of her younger years. However, what we love most is just seeing her happy and content while snuggling up against us. We think the world of her and are grateful for each day we get to spend with her!